In this workshop we will explore different ways in which dialogue can be used in the science classroom. We will look briefly at how the ability to engage in dialogue can support students to explore ethical (Should scientists…?) and epistemological (How does science work as a way of knowing?) questions. We will also explore how dialogue is essential to the development of meaningful knowledge and deep understanding.
By the end of the session participants will:
- Be able to articulate the value of dialogue in the teaching and learning of science
- Understand how resources from Generation Global and other organisations could enhance their current provision
- Take away some simple ideas for the creation of a classroom climate in which dialogue can flourish
About the session moderator

Dr. Neil Phillipson is a former pharmaceutical chemist who spent ten years teaching science in the UK before becoming a trainer and consultant. Neil is a trainer in Philosophy for Children (P4C) with SAPERE (the charity responsible for P4C in the UK) and an affiliate of Oracy Cambridge (an organisation providing training to schools and run by Professor Neil Mercer at Cambridge University). He co-authored the 2017 book Dialogic Education: mastering core concepts through thinking together with Professor Rupert Wegerif of Cambridge University. Neil has been a facilitator of dialogue with Generation Global since 2018.