The skills we develop
Ten million young people reach working age each month. Yet, the education they receive does not equip them to thrive in a diverse, interconnected, and mobile world. Global citizenship is increasingly recognised as a critical component of young people's education. We believe intercultural dialogue is at the heart of meaningful human connections and young people's ability to authentically engage as global citizens. Our programme is centered on a dialogue-based pedagogy.
Our definition of dialogue:
Dialogue is an encounter where participants learn from one another to better understand each other's values, perspectives, experiences and beliefs. It is aimed at creating a safe, brave, and inclusive space. It is reciprocal and acknowledges similarities and differences.
A lot of difficult conversations are avoided in class, and many teachers struggle to find the space for interactions that build deeper relationships and encourage critical thinking.
Our pedagogy consists of a set of five core skills that can be taught, and, with practice, students can develop and master these skills, which are:
Global Communication
The ability to speak authentically when communicating across cultures by sharing personal stories, values, and perspectives and respecting differing or challenging views of others.
Active Listening
The ability to listen to others, understand what they are saying, and show empathy and recognition.
Critical Thinking
The ability to evaluate, analyse and interpret information about self, others, and the world.
Asking Questions
The ability to inquire for deeper understanding, inclusion of all voices, and to move the dialogue forward.
The ability to evaluate and assess our own and others experience of dialogue and the impact it has on our own development.
Our approach to Global Citizenship
We offer free, flexible teaching resources suitable on a range of global issues, and high-quality training educators to support global citizenship development. Our facilitated video conferences and online global community create a safe space for intercultural dialogue between young people around the world, supporting their development into active and open-minded citizens.
Teaching Resources
A range of offline and adaptable easy-to-use resources, lesson plans, and skill building
activities for educators as well as briefings on difficult topics. Our activities and resources
are designed to enhance the existing curriculum - not to replace it and can be incorporated in
both formal and non-formal education settings.
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Video Conferences
We provide opportunities for young people to participate in intercultural dialogue via video
conferences to interact and learn from peers in 30+ countries on global issues such as action
against hate speech, the rights of girls and women, climate change, identity & respect, peace &
reconciliation, among others. This is synchronous video-based dialogue, it takes place at the
same time, giving direct communication with their global peers.
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The Ultimate Dialogue Adventure (UDA)
An interactive online platform that leads young people through a game to learn the skills of
intercultural dialogue and participate in forums focused on a variety of global topics and
issues. The Ultimate Dialogue Adventure can be used as a self-directed learning journey for
young people, or as an in-class companion for teachers, to support rigorous dialogue about a
global topic or provide a place of practice when using our offline materials.
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Special Projects
Wahda: Understanding the Impact of Youth Dialogue in Lebanon
The goal of this intervention was to contribute towards building communities that are accepting of
Religious and Ethnic Minority populations in Lebanon through facilitated youth dialogue sessions at
youth clubs in Saida and the surrounding region (Barja, Dalhoun and Siblin). The program aimed to
achieve this by building the capacities of 20 facilitators, aged 18 - 29 to deliver and monitor
dialogue-based activities to 250 participants, aged 14 - 17.
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