Ultimate Dialogue Adventure

A fun and interactive platform designed for young people to explore global issues and learn and practise the skills of dialogue with global peers.
Join a global community of over 83,600 young people from 40+ countries 🌎
3098 are already participating from the United States 🇺🇸

The Ultimate Dialogue Adventure (UDA) is an immersive and fun way for young people to learn and practise the skills of dialogue, explore different perspectives and global topics, and build intercultural connections with peers from all over the world. Through this interactive game, young people can earn badges and certificates, collect points and become "dialogue masters," and learn how to apply dialogue in real life. The platform is designed for young people ages 13-17, enabling them to:

To participate in the UDA, all learners need is an internet enabled device - laptop/desktop, mobile, or tablet. The UDA is designed to be accessible and inclusive.

Interactive topics available

Learning Dojo

Introduction to dialogue and its foundational principles.


Reflect on the purpose of education and how it shapes us.

Culture, Beliefs and Values

Discover what shapes our identities and how we participate in the world.

The Rights of Girls and Women

Understand key issues affecting girls and women globally.

Fake News and Social Media

Think critically about truth and how misinformation and fake news influence our lives.

Climate Change

Explore the global causes and impacts of climate change on communities.

Rights and Inequalities

Define human rights and examine the ongoing global struggle for equality.

Identity and Belonging

Explore concepts of identity and how it shapes our sense of belonging in communities.

Hate Speech Online

Learn to recognise hate speech online and how it affects our lives.

Wealth and Poverty

Exploring concepts of wealth and the impact of poverty globally.

Civic Participation

Understanding different types of civic engagement and why it is important.

Global Citizenship

Defining and identifying ways to be an active global citizen.

Health and Well-Being

Understanding health and well-being and its importance.

Digital Wellness

Exploring opportunities and challenges of the digital world.

Peace and Security

Understanding concepts and issues of peace and security.

Future of Work

Exploring the evolving landscape of work and how it impacts your future.


Understanding the interconnections between nature and humanity.

Inclusive Communities

Learning how to create positive and inclusive communities through dialogue.