



Introduction to Dialogue

Students will learn about how dialogue is different from other modes of communication, and why this is important. They will also understand the five core skills of dialogue and how these translate into specific actions while participating in a dialogue. Lastly, students will explore key elements for building and participating in the Generation Global online community.

What is dialogue?

15 min

Core Skills of Dialogue

20-30 min

Creating Community

20-30 min


Students will reflect on the nature and purpose of education and their own experiences of schooling, including in the time of global pandemic. They will also explore multiple perspectives and experiences of schooling and re-think how they view their own and others'.

More than a building

5-10 min

Education: a right or privilege?

5-10 min

Education in the time of Covid-19

5-10 min

Fake News and Social Media

Students will be introduced to fake news and social media to analyse what fake news and misinformation is and how to combat it. They will reflect on the value of truth, including how true we are with online identity. Students will think about experiences had with fake news and what to share with global peers on the issue.

What is Fake News and how do I spot it?

5-10 min

How important is truth?

5-10 min

Fake news in the time of Covid19

5-10 min

Rights of Girls and Women

Students will listen to and identify the experiences of girls and women. They will connect their own experiences to what is heard and seen about the rights of girls and women to share stories in a dialogue. Students will be introduced to gender inequality and will critically reflect on its impact in the world and in their communities. Students will construct questions for a dialogue about this issue in the time of crisis.

One girl's story

5-10 min

Facts about girls and women's rights

5-10 min

The impact of gender inequality

5-10 min

Issues in our current reality

5-10 min

Climate Change

Students will be introduced to concepts of climate change and will investigate what it is and what causes it. They will identify personal stories in their own communities to share with peers. Students will practice empathy by making connections with people's stories and experiences. They will also construct questions for deeper knowledge and understanding during dialogue about climate change.

What is climate change?

5-10 min

Stories of impact

5-10 min

Dialogue for change

5-10 min

Climate change and Coronavirus

5-10 min

Culture, Beliefs and Values

Students will be introduced to how culture, beliefs and values shape identity and community. They will listen to and identify others' values and beliefs and critically reflect on their own communities' values and beliefs. Students will construct questions to seek multiple perspectives from others.

Culture and Identity

5-10 min

How does culture, belief and value shape identity?

5-10 min

Values across culture

5-10 min

Support in difficult times

5-10 min

Rights and Inequality

Students will learn about some of the universal human rights that impact marginalised groups through personal stories. They will critically reflect on inequalities and the dynamics of power and oppression in various communities, including their own. Students will Identify questions that help others to tell their stories and share their experiences during the global pandemic.

Universal Human Rights

5-10 min

Power and Oppression

5-10 min

Action for Human Rights

5-10 min

Inequalities during Covid-19

5-10 min

Hate Speech Online

Students will reflect on where they encounter hate speech in online spaces. They will evaluate the impact of hate speech on the victims, the perpetrators and wider communities. Students will critically think about how they can stand up against hate speech, and what part dialogue may play in these actions.

What is hate speech and where does it exist?

5-10 min


5-10 min

The impact of hate speech

5-10 min

Hate speech and the pandemic

5-10 min

Identity and Belonging

Students reflect on the factors and components of identity so they can speak more authentically about self and think critically about how identities are shaped. Students learn how to ask meaningful questions about their peers' unique experiences, the groups that they belong to, and how this supports building community.

5-10 min

What is identity?

5-10 min

What shapes and influences identity?

5-10 min

In-groups and Out-groups

5-10 min

Identity and Belonging during Covid-19

Civic Participation

Explores the key concepts of civic responsibility to support students in asking meaningful questions about their and others' participation in society. Students think critically about their rights and responsibilities and reflect on the values that motivate them. Students learn how to speak up and share their opinion respectfully when addressing challenging issues.

5-10 min

What is Civic Participation?

5-10 min

Rights and Responsibilities

5-10 min

Personal and Community Values

5-10 min

Youth Voice

Wealth and Poverty

Students explore diverse concepts of wealth, how it is created and shared, and the impact these concepts and systems can have on the world. Students listen to stories from peers and reflect on their own definitions of wealth, practice ways to challenge concepts and systems of wealth, and think critically about systems that create and transmit wealth and poverty, and the way systems impact communities.

5-10 min

What is Wealth?

5-10 min

Systems for creating and distributing wealth

5-10 min

The wealth gap

5-10 min

Wealth and poverty post-pandemic