Teacher Companion Guide

Resources and materials for teachers to integrate the Ultimate Dialogue Adventure into any learning community.
What is the Ultimate Dialogue AdventureDiscover this interactive, student-centered learning journey to support young people ages 13-17 in developing the skills of dialogue.

The Ultimate Dialogue Adventure (UDA) is an immersive and fun way for young people to learn and practise the skills of dialogue, explore different perspectives and global topics, and build intercultural connections with peers from all over the world. Through this fun and interactive game, they will be awarded badges and certificates for completing learning on different topics, earn points (XP) on their way to becoming dialogue masters and discover ways in which they can use dialogue in real life. The platform is designed for 13-17-year-olds and will enable young people to:

To participate in the UDA, all learners need is an internet enabled device - laptop/ desktop, mobile, or tablet. The UDA is designed to be accessible and inclusive.

If you want to learn more, visit the Frequently Asked Questions for teachers.

Planning and preparationReview the learning outcomes for using the Ultimate Dialogue Adventure and the core skills that students will develop throughout the platform.
Learning OutcomesBy participating in the Ultimate Dialogue Adventure young people will achieve learning outcomes that support their development in the five core skills of dialogue, increase their global knowledge and promote positive and inclusive attitudes.
  1. Understand the five core skills of dialogue - global communication, active listening, critical thinking, asking questions, and reflection as foundational elements for becoming an active global citizen by communicating effectively across cultures and backgrounds.
  2. Practice key actions that exemplify skills of dialogue - appreciating, sharing, asking, challenging, and reflecting during dialogue in the Generation Global community to explore global issues, build confidence, and better understand the experiences and perspectives of others.
  3. Gain greater knowledge of different cultures and values through the experience of interactive learning modules and online dialogue with peers to support openmindedness and diversity.
  4. Develop intercultural relationships with peers from around the world, contributing to a cohesive and collaborative online community.
  5. Demonstrate more positive and inclusive attitudes when communicating across difference to show appreciation for diversity.
Core Skills Framework Read and use the Core Skills Framework to support students to develop specific objectives related to each skill and key action in the Ultimate Dialogue Adventure.

You can download a full copy of this framework by taking the course Introduction to Dialogue, available in the "Professional Development" section of the Teacher Portal.

Skill: Global Communication

Global Communication

Definition: The ability to speak authentically when communicating across cultures by sharing personal stories ,experiences, values, and perspectives and respectfully challenging perspectives and opinions when in disagreement

Key Actions: Sharing, Challenging

Skills Outcome

Learning Objectives

'I Can' Statements of development

Share personal stories and experiences with confidence in an honest and open manner to promote understanding.

Students are able to use 'I' statements to share about their own personal experiences and perspectives and avoid speaking on behalf of other individuals and groups.

  • I share basic information about myself such as my interests, daily life, or opinions.
  • I share more personal information about myself and my experiences using “I” language.
  • I talk about my own beliefs and experiences giving examples and using feeling words to say how I feel.
  • I share about my personal experiences in detail, explaining how they exist in my life and why they are important.
  • I identify and talk about the complexities of the issues/my experiences and ensure that what I am sharing is understood clearly by others.

Students provide clear and detailed descriptions about themselves (including their identity and communities they feel they belong to), their perspectives and experiences, and how they relate to the topic.

Students are able to explain personal values, meanings, and the importance of their own experiences when engaging with individuals and groups from different cultures and backgrounds.

Challenge the perspectives of others with respectful disagreement.

Students can pose challenging questions or statements using language that is unbiased and does not denigrate themselves or others.

  • I notice different points of view or opinions to my own.
  • I make challenging statements or questions to participate in complex conversations.
  • I show I am willing to disagree and take responsibility for my perspectives by using 'I' statements like 'I believe' or 'I think'.
  • I respond to other statements or questions with a challenge that is respectful in tone, uses clear language and sentence starters like 'Thank you, have you considered…' or 'In my opinion'.
  • I intentionally create opportunities to challenge what I have written (e.g. asking 'Do you agree or disagree? I'd love to learn different perspectives at the end of a post).

Students can respectfully challenge another perspective or idea when in disagreement by using supportive sentence starters such as 'In my opinion' or 'Thank you for your perspective' and 'I think' or 'I feel' statements.

Skill: Active Listening

Active Listening

Definition: The ability to listen to others, understand what they are saying, and show empathy and recognition

Key Actions: Appreciating / Acknowledging

Skills Outcome

Learning Objectives

'I Can' Statements of development

Appreciate and acknowledge the perspectives of others, providing feedback in various forms (written explanation, tone, body language) to demonstrate listening.

Students can demonstrate they are listening to others by acknowledging their contributions with gestures or thanks and responding appropriately to what is being shared.

  • I show that I appreciate what my peers say by liking a post or nodding when they speak.
  • I say what I really like about what someone has said and give them feedback.
  • I reference something specific someone has said and build on it to go deeper in the conversation.
  • I explain why someone else's post is valuable for the dialogue and how it helped my understanding.
  • I provide detailed feedback explaining how I value someone else's the post, specifically elements that make it a good statement or questions for dialogue, how it has inspired or impacted me.

Students are able to logically build on what is being said in order to go deeper in a dialogue and build a dialogic thread.

Students are able to provide descriptive feedback about why what they are reading/hearing is of value to them and the dialogue.

Skill: Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking

Definition: Analyse knowledge about the world, multiple perspectives, and identity, including what influences who we are, how we think and what we believe.

Key Actions: Analysing

Skills Outcome

Learning Objectives

'I Can' Statements of development

Analyse knowledge about the world, multiple perspectives, and identity, including what influences who we are, how we think and what we believe.

Students are able to analyse a topic or issue and identify diverse and multiple perspectives.

  • I think about a topic or what I hear and state my opinion in response.
  • I identify similarities and differences in what I hear or read about a topic and what my peers have shared about their perspective, opinion, or experience.
  • I analyse a topic and what I hear or read and identify multiple and diverse perspectives in a dialogue.
  • I analyse information on a topic, as well as my own and others' ideas, to understand meaning and the influences that shape the information or personal perspectives.
  • I analyse and interpret the complexities of my own identity and others to better understand how I and others relate to a topic and what makes a unique individual.

Students are able to analyse what they hear or read by investigating its meanings and the influences that shape it.

Students are able to evaluate and interpret the complexity of their own and others individual identities, seeing others as unique individuals, not only as members of the groups to which they belong.

Skill: Questioning


Definition: Construct and ask questions that promote deeper learning about self and others, and explore the topics of dialogue.

Key Actions: Asking

Skills Outcome

Learning Objectives

'I Can' Statements of development

Construct and ask questions that promote deeper learning about self and others, and explore the topics of dialogue.

Students are able to construct and ask relevant questions to learn about the values, ideas, perspectives and experiences of others.

  • I ask questions about people's favourite things, hobbies, or interests.
  • I ask more open questions that seek clarification and information about lifestyles, communities, opinions, and beliefs.
  • I ask my peers questions about their experiences and why those experiences are important to them.
  • I ask response questions that cannot be answered with 'yes or no' to build a thread in the dialogue based on what my peers are saying (I don't comment once and stop there).
  • I construct questions that include plain language, without assumption or judgement, that prompts the respondent to share in detail about their own experiences.

Students are able to prompt respondents to go deeper into the dialogue by constructing questions that cannot be answered with 'yes or no'.

Students are able to evaluate their own and other's questions for inherent assumptions and judgments in an effort to construct questions that promote inclusion and diverse perspectives.

Skill: Reflection


Definition: The ability to evaluate and assess our own and others experience of dialogue and the impact it has on our own development

Key Actions: Reflecting

Skills Outcome

Learning Objectives

'I Can' Statements of development

Reflect on the experiences of self and others to make connections with different stories and identify opportunities for deeper learning.

Students are able to think about the experience of the dialogue and recognize the impact it has had on them and/or the group.

  • I give thanks for my peer's participation in the dialogue when I am reflecting.
  • I reflect on the dialogue and talk about what was said regarding the topic.
  • I recall specific details of what was said in the dialogue and how it made me feel or think.
  • I say what I learned and note any new ideas or perspectives that came out of the dialogue.
  • I form and respond to critical questions about the process of learning, the impact the experience has on myself and others, and think about new ways to move forward and grow.

Students can reflect on the experience of dialogue and say what they have learned from others and about themselves, including any ways the dialogue has helped them to shape new perspectives.

Students are able to identify any challenges and learning opportunities in the dialogue and how this can further their skills development.

Gaining points (XP) for skills Students can develop the core skills of dialogue in the written Dialogue Spaces and by participating in video conferences. The more they practise and apply the dialogue skills, the more XP they earn. Each of the Squads below is aligned to the I can statements in the Learning Framework.

Ultimate Dialogue Adventure Squads

Once young people complete the Learning Dojo (introductory topic) on the Ultimate Dialogue Adventure they are free to complete short learning modules on specific global topics where they can then participate in written Dialogue Spaces and video conferences to practise the skills of dialogue.

The list of available topics includes:

  • Civic Participation
  • Climate Change
  • Culture, Beliefs and Values
  • Education
  • Fake News and Social Media
  • Global Citizenship
  • Hate Speech Online
  • Identity and Belonging
  • Rights and Inequalities
  • The Rights of Girls and Women
  • Wealth and Poverty

If you want to review the content of these interactive topics, please sign into your Teacher Portal.

Video conference quality of dialogue summary Use this summary to help young people apply the skills of dialogue in a video conference experience.

When young people complete a topic and earn 30 XP in the corresponding written dialogue space they unlock the schedule to book themselves into a video conference on the same topic. Here they have the ability to practise the skills they are developing in spoken dialogue with global peers from all over the world.

The video conference facilitator and the participants will rate the quality of the dialogue at the end of the session. The quality of dialogue rating starts from Encounter through to Advanced. Below are illustrated the different dialogue rating levels.



Most participants did not demonstrate dialogue because they may have made assumptions or judgements, did not show curiosity, listen, share about their lives, ask questions, or reflect on the experience.



Most participants showed some signs of emerging dialogue through general sharing about their perspectives and social groups, listening with body language, or asking basic questions, yet still had difficulty as a group in forwarding the conversation.



The group began to demonstrate dialogue with most participants sharing about personal perspectives and experiences using 'I' language, listening and asking 'Why' questions of each other, and ensuring all voices were heard.



Dialogue was present, and the group shared clear and detailed descriptions about their values and personal experiences, analysed influences and impacts, built questions off each other's responses to go deeper into the dialogue, and owned the flow of the conversation together.



The complete experience of the dialogue was owned by the whole group; it was fluid, complex, challenging, and inclusive. All participants shared in detail, asked probing questions, and reflected on what was learned and could be improved for themselves and as a group.

Download summary (98 KB)
Tips and strategies for a quality experience on the Ultimate Dialogue Adventure Use these tips and strategies below to support you in making sure your learners have a quality learning experience.

Download tips

SafeguardingLearn what we are doing to protect and safeguard young people on our platform and throughout our programme.

Safeguarding Space

Privacy Policy

Classroom activitiesExplore strategies for integrating the Adventure into your learning community and suggested lesson plans based on different time commitments and level of engagement.
Strategies for using the Ultimate Dialogue AdventureThere are many ways you can integrate the Ultimate Dialogue Adventure into your classroom or learning community, ranging from student-led to co-curricular support.


Can be used as an initiation or to enhance clubs outside of class that promote global citizenship, cultural education, communication skills, digital citizenship.

Enrichment activity

Enrichment activity

Stretch the more able students by having them undertake activities and then research and seek out varied global perceptions and experiences on issues.

Blended learning

Blended learning

Teach specific subjects in class (such as Dialogue skills from the Essentials of Dialogue, Human Rights, Climate Change). Construct critical questions with students and ask them to use them while participating in the topic dialoogue space to help deepen their learning on the subject.

Flipped classroom

Flipped Classroom

Have students complete a learning module or a topic on their own time. During class time, have students present their experience, engage in a follow up activity, or a dialogue.

Independent Learning

Independent learning

We have found that students are more open, honest and have a higher level of participation when their teachers do not have direct oversight; they are more focused on themselves and their peers which makes for better dialogue. Encourage students to participate and report back on their progress, helping them to map how they can increase their skills.

Download strategies as PDF (140 KB)

Cornerstone ModelTo most effectively use the Ultimate Dialogue Adventure to teach young people the skills of dialogue and expand their knowledge on global topics, follow this cornerstone model to make the most out of the learning experience.
  • Generation Global fosters three primary learning outcomes for student learning: Skills building, Topic knowledge, and Global connection.
  • Using the Generation Global Cornerstone model, educators can plan to integrate our tools and resources into their curriculum or youth programme.

1. Identify the topic

Choose the social or global issue you are teaching and that learners will dialogue about, for example Rights and Inequalities, Climate Change and Global Citizenship. To see the full list of topics, log into your Teacher Portal.

2. Learn Skills

Use small group or whole class activities from the Essentials of Dialogue in class OR encourage learners to register on the Ultimate Dialogue Adventure and participate in the topics online.

3. Participate in dialogue

Book an international video conference or use the written dialogue spaces in the Ultimate Dialogue Adventure or Teacher Portal where learners can experience live interactions and apply skills for intercultural communication on the topic.

4. Debrief the dialogue

Host a whole-class discussion after the dialogue to debrief the learning experience using activities like Dialogue Reflection in chapter 8 of the Essentials of Dialogue.

Levels of engagementDepending on how much time you have, use this chart to help you decide the best way to include the Ultimate Dialogue Adventure in your learning community.

Educators can use the Ultimate Dialogue Adventure to support learners in meeting these outcomes by choosing the depth of engagement that aligns to their needs.

Engagement Description Process Time
(download lesson plan)
  • Introduces core skills and attitudes
  • General topic knowledge
  • Light interaction with peers

Learning Dojo


Topic or Video Conference



3 hrs
(download lesson plan)
  • Reinforces core skills and attitudes
  • Broadens topic knowledge
  • Repeated practice with peers

Learning Dojo




Written Dialogue



4.5 hrs
(download lesson plan)
  • Refines core skills and attitudes
  • Various activity and knowledge sources
  • More diverse interaction with peers

Learning Dojo




Written Dialogue


Video Conference



5.5 hrs
Progress trackingConsider ways to evaluate student progress to help them identify growth and expand on their dialogue skills and experiences from the Adventure.

Tips to track students' progress

Types of evidence to collect:

(evidence from individual students)
(from in-class activities)

Request the following from students:

  • Print out and collect number of badges for each learning module
  • Print out of students' skills tracker. Use numerical value of Experiential Points (XP) to see to what extent students are practising each skill.
  • Student self-evaluations of XP levels and written reflections of where they see themselves in their progress (use reflection worksheet)
  • Individual or class plans on how to improve the skills of dialogue
  • Facilitator notes from classroom video conferences
  • Recordings or notes/testimonials from whole class debriefs about the students experience in online adventure (use the WWW/EBI worksheet)

How to assess the evidence:

Download tips to track students' progress (PDF - 117 KB)

WWW/EBI worksheet (PDF - 99 KB)

Progress reflection worksheet ('I Can' and XP) (PDF - 94 KB)

This Teacher Companion Guide is also available in: Arabic, Español