Regional Curricula Index

Use this general overview curated by our regional coordinators at Generation Global to locate where the Ultimate Dialogue Adventure might fit with your curriculum and pedagogy.


relevant curriculum areas


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Both subjects are part of core curriculum and aim to enhance dialogical approach, critical thinking, and reflection. Teachers can use up to 20% of class time for extracurricular activities that support learning objectives.

Strategy for Development of pre university education 2014-2020

Strategy focuses on a)professional development that encourage innovative teaching b) global citizenship


English the most common foreign language in Albanian education system and part of testing system when completing different level of preuniversity education.


Albanian students were assessed in the 2018 PISA on global competencies (results to be published October 2020).


Albania is a member of UNESCO. All member states have signed up to the Education 2030 Agenda and are therefore committed to providing education that empower people with the knowledge, skills and values to live in dignity, build their lives and contribute to their societies.

Northern Territory Australia

relevant curriculum areas


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7 General Capabilities identified as sitting alongside the curriculum

Literacy and Numeracy, ICT, Creative and Critical thinking, Intercultural understanding, Ethical understanding, Personal and social capability


Australia is a member of UNESCO. All member states have signed up to the Education 2030 Agenda and are therefore committed to providing education that empower people with the knowledge, skills and values to live in dignity, build their lives and contribute to their societies.


relevant curriculum areas


additional relevance


English Language

Enhancing students' abilities in the English language, self-expression and providing them with communication and communication skills.

Promoting the concept of good citizenship, giving and belonging.

This is NOT global citizenship - but being a good / obedient Egyptian citizen.


Knowing the history of Egypt, and linking this knowledge to the students 'abilities to give to society and national belonging

Sustainable Development

The Egyptian Sustainable Development Strategy for education: "By 2030, a high quality education, accessible to all (with no discrimination) within an effective institutional system, based on technologically enabled learners is provided. This education system contributes to building an integrated personality that is encouraged to reach its potential, producing an individual that is confident, enlightened, creative, responsible, pluralistic, and able to interact competitively with regional and international entities."


Learn about religious concepts, values associated with religion and fortify them against negative thoughts through correct knowledge.


Egypt is a member of UNESCO. All member states have signed up to the Education 2030 Agenda and are therefore committed to providing education that empower people with the knowledge, skills and values to live in dignity, build their lives and contribute to their societies.


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Pupils should develop their skills to be able to use a range of research strategies, weigh up evidence, make persuasive arguments and substantiate their conclusions. They should experience and evaluate different ways that citizens can act together to solve problems and contribute to society. (NC PoS)

British Values

esp.'mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, and for those without faith'

Religious Education

The ability to understand the faith or belief of individuals and communities, and how these may shape their culture and behaviour, is an invaluable asset for children in modern day Britain. Explaining religious and non-religious worldviews in an academic way allows young people to engage with the complexities of belief, avoid stereotyping and contribute to an informed debate. (Religious Education Council)


spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, significant overlap (see


A high-quality geography education should inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Teaching should equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments. (NC PoS)

Global Citizenship Education

Although not statutory, a lot of schools are interested in global citizenship education. Maps against SDGs, esp. 4.7


The UK is a member of UNESCO. All member states have signed up to the Education 2030 Agenda and are therefore committed to providing education that empower people with the knowledge, skills and values to live in dignity, build their lives and contribute to their societies.


relevant curriculum areas


additional relevance


English/ language

• build greater confidence and proficiency in oral and written communication

• develop the ability and knowledge required in order to engage in independent reflection and inquiry

• use appropriate English to communicate in various social settings

• equip learners with essential language skills to question and to articulate their point of view

facilitate self-learning to enable them to become independent learners

• build listening and speaking into the curriculum

Ethical & moral reasoning

A one-year course on ethical and moral reasoning will be required for all students sometime in Grades 6-8, where the subject of ethics. Subjects such as seva, swacchata, nonviolence, respect and safety for women, cheating, helpfulness, tolerance, equality, fraternity, ideas of freedom and responsibility, etc. will be discussed in detailed. Direct methods such as classroom activities, discussions and readings specifically designed to address ethical and moral awareness and reasoning to be used

Social Science

Facilitate the learners to understand and appreciate the diversity in the land and people of the country with its underlying unity, develop academic and social skills such as critical thinking, communicating effectively both in visual and verbal forms - cooperating with others, taking initiatives and providing leadership in solving others' problems, develop qualities clustered around the personal, social, moral, national and spiritual values that make a person humane and socially effective.

Current affairs

All students in Grades VII and VIII will take a course (one period per week, for one session) on Critical Issues facing humans in their communities and around the world.

Political & civic studies

Develop Constitutional values in all students, and the capacities for their practice. This goal will inform the curriculum as well as the overall culture and environment of every school. Some of these Constitutional values are: democratic outlook and commitment to liberty and freedom; equality, justice, and fairness; embracing diversity, plurality, and inclusion; humaneness and fraternal spirit; social responsibility and the spirit of service; ethics of integrity and honesty; scientific temper and commitment to rational and public dialogue; peace; social action through Constitutional means; unity and integrity of the nation, and a true rootedness and pride in India with a forward-looking spirit to continuously improve as a nation

draft National Education Policy 2019

• Holistic education of students: create holistic and complete individuals equipped with key 21st century skills - critical thinking, creativity, logical deduction, collaboration/teamwork, social responsibility, multilingualism, quantitative reasoning, and digital literacy

• Incorporation of communication in every subject in the Middle and Secondary years - important implications for students' future contributions to the country and to the global community


India is a member of UNESCO. All member states have signed up to the Education 2030 Agenda and are therefore committed to providing education that empower people with the knowledge, skills and values to live in dignity, build their lives and contribute to their societies.

National Education Policy 2020 by Ministry of Education – SDG 4 has been adopted by India in 2015

Vision - develop knowledge, skills, values, and dispositions that support responsible commitment to human rights, sustainable development and living, and global well-being, thereby reflecting a truly global citizen

Curricular integration of contemporary subjects such as global citizenship education


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additional relevance



The ability to follow instructions, respond and learn a language skill in real life situations.


Israeli students were assessed in the 2018 PISA on global competencies (results to be published October 2020).

Diplomacy & International Communication Major

Communication skills like conversation and debate have a high profile. This additional tool for acquiring dialogue skills will provide it a more respectful place.

Citizenship Education

Global citizenship is part of CE. Through this online tool, it will be given a more predominant place and the students will be able to share their global dialogue experiences.


relevant curriculum areas


additional relevance


Civic education

sustainable development: construction of environments for living together which are inclusive and respectful of the rights of all people.

digital citizenship: tools & approach to utilise new means of communication; develop critical thinking; risks around social media including hate speech


Italian students were assessed in the 2018 PISA on global competencies (results to be published October 2020).


Language competencies


Italy is a member of UNESCO. All member states have signed up to the Education 2030 Agenda and are therefore committed to providing education that empower people with the knowledge, skills and values to live in dignity, build their lives and contribute to their societies.


relevant curriculum areas


additional relevance


Social Studies

Teaching this subject targets to enable students to understand, participate in and make informed decisions about their is organized to develop the capacities of young learners at schools. It is a branch of study which deals with human being –their values, growth and development, relationships, resources they use and various functions they need to carry on their life.


Jordanian students were assessed in the 2018 PISA on global competencies (results to be published October 2020).

English Language (EFL)

Tt is the most widely spoken language in the world, it's a language used in everyday life, even though it's not the native is important for news and information, professions and entertainment. Many students now a days began to be aware of the importance of tis language as a sill not as a subject.


Jordan is a member of UNESCO. All member states have signed up to the Education 2030 Agenda and are therefore committed to providing education that empower people with the knowledge, skills and values to live in dignity, build their lives and contribute to their societies.


To teach values and helps to encourage personal reflection of students toward their actions and also inspires tolerance and respecting God's creations as well as accepting and respecting others.

Citizenship and Morals Education

Priorities as indicated by the government are: strengthening the link between education and the labour market, and supporting entrepreneurship to reduce unemployment and ensure decent work; combating stereotypes to achieve gender equality and decrease geographical disparities (Executive Development Programme, Jordan 2025)


relevant curriculum areas


additional relevance


Global Studies

Foreign Languages


Competencies enhanced and addressed through skills builiding in dialogue:


Recognize and regulate your emotions

Critical thinking

Question, propose, act


Interpret, listen and express yourself


Interact with and learn from others

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Dialogue is an instructional strategy to build global connections and explore issues related to the 2030 Agenda.

Personal Development

Core for understanding how to communicate and collaborate across difference. Competencies addressed and developed:

Responsibility/Responsabilidad Pública y Social




Multicultural Competence

Multiple perspective taking

Empathy development

Relationship building

Intercultural communication


Mexican students were assessed in the 2018 PISA on global competencies (results to be published October 2020).


Mexico is a member of UNESCO. All member states have signed up to the Education 2030 Agenda and are therefore committed to providing education that empower people with the knowledge, skills and values to live in dignity, build their lives and contribute to their societies.


relevant curriculum areas


additional relevance


Languages (Arabic & English)

Students must build the capabilities of individual expression and respect different perspectives.


Promote the concept of belonging, community cooperation as well as their capabilities to defend their rights as they are subject to occupation authority by engaging in peaceful activities.

Social studies

Knowing the geographical area should help students develop an understanding of the society in which they live. This will enable them to engage positively within their communities.


Palestine is a member of UNESCO. All member states have signed up to the Education 2030 Agenda and are therefore committed to providing education that empower people with the knowledge, skills and values to live in dignity, build their lives and contribute to their societies.


Studying this subject should help students gain a greater understanding of the religious content in which they live in their societies, and this will help them feel accepted and integrated with others.

Career counseling

The Ministry of Education issued a special book in order to provide students with life skills that help them to be active in a positive way within their societies.


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Islamiyat (Muslim students)

Ethics (Moral Education) for Non muslim

Enable the learners to become responsible citizens for the development of the country and to provide them opportunities to adjust themselves in the global changes. The golden principles of peace, tolerance and human rights etc are highighted in curriculum and teacher training.


Pakistan is a member of UNESCO. All member states have signed up to the Education 2030 Agenda and are therefore committed to providing education that empower people with the knowledge, skills and values to live in dignity, build their lives and contribute to their societies.

Civic education

Civic education includes the study of the purpose of government, the nature of law, the way private behaviour affects public order, the political system, and the international context of politics. This curriculum sets out the civic knowledge, skills, dispositions and civic actions to be developed in young Pakistanis by setting the standards that must be met. Knowledge includes the important facts, concepts, issues and information. The skills include the ways of thinking, working, communication, reasoning and investigating that characterize the subject. The values/attitudes are the feelings, attitudes, conscience, dispositions that are developed through the subject.


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Listening, Speaking and writing as well as preparing students to take scientific subjects in English as a main language for their future studies.

Social, economic, and environmental awareness/ sustainability.

Local and global challenges.

Global citizenship.

Cambridge Global Perspectives

Developing the ability to think critically about a range of global issues where there is always more than one point of view.


Tunisia is a member of UNESCO. All member states have signed up to the Education 2030 Agenda and are therefore committed to providing education that empower people with the knowledge, skills and values to live in dignity, build their lives and contribute to their societies.


relevant curriculum areas


additional relevance


Moral education

Pupils should develop their skills with universal principles and values, that reflect the shared experiences of humanity/

UAE values

to deepen the values of tolerance and co-existence among cultures by teaching the youth the values of tolerance / a bridge of communication between peoples of different cultures in a respectful environment that rejects extremism and emphasises on the acceptance of the other.


Good Knowledge of geography should help the pupils to understand the Earth's surface and gain insight into the human societies that exist within the different borders.


UAE students were assessed in the 2018 PISA on global competencies (results to be published October 2020).


Knowledge of history should help pupils to develop a better understanding of the world. It will enable them to be better decision makers.


The UAE is a member of UNESCO. All member states have signed up to the Education 2030 Agenda and are therefore committed to providing education that empower people with the knowledge, skills and values to live in dignity, build their lives and contribute to their societies.


relevant curriculum areas


additional relevance



Foreign language skills remain among top priorities in the Ukrainian education system. The National Doctrine of educational development prioritized learning of at least one foreign language in school. There are specialized schools in languages in every oblast. Teachers of foreign languages have more opportunities for professional development and global connections compare with their colleagues of other subjects.

New Ukrainian School reform

promote 10 key life competencies: 7 out of 10 skills are promoted and enhanced by GenG including Communication in national language; Communication in foreign language; ICT and digital competencies; Lifelong learning skills; Social and Civic competencies; Cultural awareness; Environmental awareness.


Enhancing critical thinking and embedding principles of global citizenship, democracy and human rights as recommended by CoE

The National Doctrine of Educational

The National Doctrine of educational emphasis the goal of everyone that goes through education system has the ability and practical knowledge of at least one foreign language.

Social Studies

Enhancing critical thinking and embedding principles of global citizenship, democracy and human rights as recommended by CoE


Ukrainian students were assessed in the 2018 PISA on global competencies (results to be published October 2020).


Ukraine is a member of UNESCO. All member states have signed up to the Education 2030 Agenda and are therefore committed to providing education that empower people with the knowledge, skills and values to live in dignity, build their lives and contribute to their societies.


relevant curriculum areas


additional relevance


SOCIAL STUDIES (National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies)

NCSS.D2.CIV.7.6-8.- Apply civic virtues and democratic principles in school and community settings.

NCSS.D2.REL.9.9-12 - Give examples of how beliefs, behaviors, and community experiences shape and are shaped by one another in particular social and historical contexts.

D1.4.6-8. Explain how the relationship between supporting questions and compelling questions is mutually reinforcing.

D1.4.9-12. Explain how supporting questions contribute to an inquiry and how, through engaging source work, new compelling and supporting questions emerge.

D1.1.6-8. Explain how a question represents key ideas in the field.

D1.1.9-12. Explain how a question reflects an enduring issue in the field.

CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning)

CASEL – Self-awareness, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, Responsible Decision Making, Self-Management:


Dept. of Education Framework for Developing Global and Cultur'al Competencies to advance equity, excellence, and economic competitiveness
Collaboration and Communication/Secondary - Strong socio-emotional and leadership skills—emphasis on multi-cultural understanding and working with diverse groups

UNESCO Global Citizenship Education

Dialogue' is placed at the heart of GCED.'Dialogue' as a particular form of human interaction is helpful in providing, when properly facilitated, an open, mutually respectful, and potentially transformative way of talking about personal and collective perspectives on any topic, but especially when addressing difficult issues.

ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS (Common Core Standards)

Work with peers to set rules for collegial discussions and decision-making (e.g., informal consensus, taking votes on key issues, presentation of alternate views), clear goals and deadlines, and individual roles as needed.

Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate the current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas; actively incorporate others into the discussion; and clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions.

Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of agreement and disagreement, and, when warranted, qualify or justify their own views and understanding and make new connections in light of the evidence and reasoning presented.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.SL.1 - Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.