SDGs Teaching Resources

SDG 4 SDG 10 SDG 13 SDG 1

SDG 4: Quality Education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Use one or more of the Generation Global resources to teach about this SDG in your learning community. Select the resource you would like to use to learn more:

Video Conferences

Schedule a live dialogue

Topic Module

Assign a self-paced online lesson

SDG Briefings

Download latest stats and facts

Tips and examples for aligning this SDG with your class:

Subject Activity ideas


Work with learners to review and tabulate the most recent data on the SDG Tracker to see how the world measures up to the goal indicators for Quality Education. Book a video conference to explore how global peers define and promote quality education.


How do environmental factors influence quality education? Have learners anaylse case studies from different regions of the world to examine how environmental factors like climate, water, and terrain impact access to education. Ask them to share their own experience and prepare questions about different environmental factors in various regions of the world in the Education Dialogue Space on the Ultimate Dialogue Adventure.

Social Science

Ask learners to complete the Education topic on the Ultimate Dialogue Adventure to prompt a dialogue. Explore the role and purpose of Education in different societies, then use the Generation Global activities "Sharing our ideas" and "Asking response questions" to prepare for a dialogue about their own ideas for the future of education.

Language Arts

Practice vocabulary regarding Quality Education by listing key words on the topic. Using words from the list, ask learners to write about their own experience of what schooling is like for them and share it in the Education Dialogue Space of the Ultimate Dialogue Adventure.

Personal Development

Work with learners in exploring what conditions they need to experience quality education from a variety of factors (personal, environmental, structural, etc.) and why these are all important to them as individuals and a community. Book a video conference to support learners in dialoguing about what is needed and important to have a good education for different people around the globe.

Additional external activities and resources:

Lesson plans



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